Friday, January 14, 2011

Those People

Misty bought a groupon last fall for a session with a local photographer. She meet us in the trendy, revamped art district and we just walked around and found cool stuff to get some pics. We got this is as a canvas print for our home and it's one of my fav's. Check her out here , she's a great person to work with.

Summer of 2010 we took Ki to Chicago on his first real vacation along with airplanes, taxis, subways, city buses, and pirate boats. He had an absolute blast and still brings it up from time to time. When we got to the hotel we just wanted to take a while and decompress, and this is how my kids kicks it at 21 floors up.

So those two people are mine, if you see them don't touch them because they are mine. The only two things I won't share....well, those two and a funnel cake.....and a spoon, spoons are nasty.


Emily said...

Cute pics...btw your blog is lookin' good!

Tiffany said...

As I was reading the last line, I was thinking, whatever, you won't share spoons, but then you said it too!! :)