Monday, July 25, 2011


Like brunch isn't already expensive.

What Did You Do This Weekend....

Well here is what I did. It was only 105 degrees out Saturday so I decided it would be a great day to pour a concrete countertop for a friend of mine. He is in the process of building an amazing deck and is putting in this huge bar equipped with a grill, small fridge, and sink to take full advantage of the outdoor living space that is so inviting and popular these days. He had been talking about different surfaces for the bar and I suggested concrete, after having fabricated a few bar tops, kitchen countertops, and vanities in the past. Soon it will be complete with a few shade structures, rock veneer wrapped bar, and lounge furniture. But until then here is how it started. A few pics of the forms and freshly poured and then the edge forming removed. More pics to come but it's starting to take shape.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

So Looking Forward To This

This is going to be awesome, and they are super excited and pumped about it. KC needs this. Classic styles and no embellished back pocket flared out denim, graphic dragon climbing over your shoulder button get the idea. Just well thought out classic one white rivet american made style.

Baldwin Men's Shop from Baldwin on Vimeo.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Over A Month...Really? C'mon!

I hate that it's been over a month since my last post, and that wasn't even my post, just something I found interesting. I said it before that I had a lot of projects going on and was having a hard time finding the strength and inspiration to blog...cry cry cry. Excuses be no more!! I got a new phone with fun camera apps and it's super fast and I hope to be able to blog on the fly.

Here is one of the past redesign projects that has been going on. Our living room is starting to look like something and more will be added as time goes on, but it's a start.

This wall was inspired by the 25 most important mid century designs. Thanks to for the free download and thanks to my mind and corner wall that needed some pizazz.

This is my 6 dollar chair rebuild. A little cleaning and a fresh coat of teak oil and this thing looked brand new. I found a faux fur throw to dress it up a bit for 2 dollars and it turned out pretty cool. Not bad for an 8 dollar splurge. I saw one yesterday just like it in an antique store for 300 bucks, that makes me feel pretty good about it.

You guys remember this right? 20 bucks. It's what started this whole love affair with mid century design.

Here is the "wow" factor of the room. I thought it would be the first thing people see when they walk in but it usually takes a little time and then BAM! 25 dollars at habitat, a little cleaning and construction cone orange spray paint is all it took. 

This was a gift from the ladies that help us out around the house. Carolyn and Jamie are the best and we get them little gifts throughout the year to show our appreciation and they bring us awesome baked goods around the holidays and this. A retro orange foot stool that is so perfect. I remember walking in one day and wondering where in the hell this thing came from. Talk about being thoughtful, this blew me away. 

I was searching and searching for a round glass coffee table forever and could not find one. I ran across this on craigslist for 10 bucks and decided it may work. I ended up being boring and just painting it a gloss black enamel. It works for now until I can build what I want.

And this is the view from up above in the kitchen over looking the living room. This pic could or needs to be better, but it gets the idea across pretty good. So far, so good.