This past weekend was our annual Relay For Life to raise money for the American Cancer Society. If you haven't heard of this before it is basically a fundraiser that is put on every year to raise money for the ACS. It is held at the Cole County fairgrounds and runs from 6pm to 6am. The rules are that one person from your team is to be walking on the track in between those times. During the early evening there are carnival like things to do for the kids, many teams are grilling great food, bands and music are playing, and you are just kind of getting geared up for a long night. At 10pm the luminary service is held to pay respect to those that have lost the battle to cancer. During this time white paper bags with candles in them line the inside and outside of the track. This is a pretty emotional part of the relay because of the rush of memories that come flooding back. After the ceremony a pair of DJ's take the stage and do their best to keep the energy level high throughout the night.
The relay is basically a scenario to symbolize the fight one goes through when they have cancer. Walking 12 hours will give you lows and highs and the feeling of wanting to quit until the next rush of energy keeps you going. It is a great benefit and great way to raise money for this "monster" of a disease.
We walk in honor of my dad who we lost about 6 years ago to cancer. Anyone who has been affected by this knows it sucks, but with all the money raised we know we can someday find a cure.
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